Looking for a new place? Save time and stand out from the crowd with ZipCASTLE.
ZipCASTLE has been designed to make the rental application process easier for you and provide flexibility on which information you choose to provide.
Stop filling out time consuming rental applications by hand that ask for too much personal information. Receive a beautiful, editable RTF document printable on any computer, and show up to your new castle with your application done.
Weve left in the pertinent info such as previous jobs and addresses, but leave out the objectionable info some landlords ask for such as bank account and credit card numbers.
Choose whether or not you include social security #, and other information, and the application adjusts accordingly. Authorize the landlord to run a credit report or provide your own.
ZipCASTLE saves your info as you work on it. You also have three slots to save different applications!
Introductory sale price is 0.99
Please email us if you have any questions or problems. Thanks! Now get your castle! Meant for use in the USA.